Back in early June I took a lap through the garden. I took photos to show what we had planted. Now, thanks to a touch of pneumonia, I have time to bring the blog up to date.
As soon as spring was lurking outside the windows and doors, Mike and I started a lot of seeds and bought some plants from Lowes and Burpee. As the days became longer I started to spend anywhere from 3-8 hours a day out in the yard. There were weeds to be sprayed, weeds to be pulled in places I couldn't spray, grass mowing with two mowers - the big riding mower and then the push mower for where the big mower can't fit or go, like under tree branches in the orchard. Plants to be planted and watered and babied and dusted with Sevin to protect them from critters.
By early June we were reaching daytime highs in the 90s on a regular basis. I was surprised to see how well the pansies I had planted in the fall were holding up.
I may have to put in more than 14 flats this fall, they turned out so gorgeous.
Our yellow squash took off like wildfire. The box to the left of the squash has purple potatoes and the small plant in the front on the right is a red potato plant.
Behind the squash we planted red cabbage. Next year it will go in front of the squash.
Behind the red cabbage we planted 2 Heirloom tomatoes and a jalapeno. We eventually added 4 more jalapeno plants and a cherry tomato.
The tall plants that are blooming are blue potatoes and there are sweet potatoes in the front.
We planted zucchini.
In our elevated planter we have strawberries and carrots on one end,,,
Radishes, carrots and garlic on the other.
Our plum tomatoes.
The melon patch with 2 types of watermelon and some cantaloupe.
My sweet basil. I had to bring it in a few weeks later as the Japanese beetles were eating it.
Our celery is thriving.
And finally on another side of the house we have garlic and sweet onions.
In all we planted a lot of stuff and now, in late July we have other crops coming up and fall crops planned.
All of the following is or was in our summer garden: basil, carrots, radishes, strawberries, celery, onions, garlic, yellow squash, zucchini, green beans, pickling cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, jalapenos, red cabbage, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, purple potatoes, blue potatoes and white potatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon and lettuce.
After the flowers out front were removed we planted white (shopeg) corn and sweet red corn in the front flower garden. Collards will be going in soon. Stay tuned.
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